The Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Education, at the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB), was designed based on structural assumptions of modern societies, especially Brazilian society. What stands out is the increasing prioritization of educational research and policies with a view to the progressive improvement of the quality required by the different modernization processes under way in the country, whose complexity requires professionals with a programmatic, interdisciplinary and intersectoral vision.
Excellent professionals
Get to know the program
The Graduate Program Stricto Sensu in Education, from the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB), was conceived based on structural assumptions of modern societies, especially Brazilian society. What stands out is the increasing prioritization of educational research and policies with a view to the progressive improvement of the quality required by the different modernization processes under way in the country, whose complexity requires professionals with a programmatic, interdisciplinary and intersectoral vision.
The Graduate Program in Education defined its centrality taking into account the various instances of educational management and the various subjects of education, especially those segments historically left behind in the country's history, as well as the different educational processes and methodologies, especially communication technologies; and the education projects and policies, inserted in the context of the current social, economic and political changes taking place at the national and international levels.
With a score of 4 from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the Graduate Program Stricto Sensu in Education aims at training researchers and education professionals. Graduated masters and doctorates can pursue research scientist careers and/or teaching careers at different levels, work in social or business institutions in the preparation and development of research projects in education, in educational management, and in the formulation and analysis of public policies, at the executive, advisory or consulting levels.
The areas of concentration are driven by three lines of research: Education Policy, Management, and Evaluation; Educational Process and Teacher Training; Education, Technology, and Communication.
Educational Process and Teacher Training
Research and training, through the foundations of education, of themes related to different dimensions of the teaching and learning process, of the initial and continuing education of teachers, of pedagogical theories and practices at the different levels and modalities of education.
Education Policy, Management, and Evaluation
Investigation of the formulation, implementation, management and evaluation of policies, programs and projects in the area of education, at their different levels and modalities. Studies of the cultural and communicational contexts of educational policies and management, within the scope of the Federal Government, the States, the Federal District, and the municipalities. Comparative studies between national and international education systems.
Education, Technology and Communication
Articulation of the relations between youth, technology and communication within the framework of educational processes in various contexts of society, whether they are school environments or those aimed at human coexistence. Themes related to educational and social inclusion, to youth protagonists and sociabilities, to social innovation and to the multiple learning enabled by educational, communication and media technologies, as well as to diverse cultural expressions, especially those that cultivate cultures of peace.
The program was created in 1994, beginning its activities with the master's degree and, starting in 2009, with the doctorate. In those 25 years of experience, I graduated 559 masters and 70 doctors. In addition to this specific action, in Stricto Sensu there was a commitment to the development of research projects, an involvement with graduate education and extension, in order to make the Program a reference in the teaching-learning process and in social responsibility.
In 2008, an interinstitutional partnership began, mainly through the creation of the UNESCO Chair: Education, Youth and Society, and with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul working with children and adolescents in situations of psychosocial risk. In 2009, a research partnership on teacher education began with the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) and the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP) in the context of the PROCAD program of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).
Also noteworthy is the internationalization process of the Program, through the participation of a research network, including the University of Minho (Portugal), Federico Vilarreal University (Peru), University of Urbana, Champaign (USA) and Universidad del Valle (Colombia), as well as the participation of the International Forum on Transdisciplinarity and Ecoformation in Practice: Seeking Innovation and Teaching Creativity. Research is also being carried out in the area of Social Pedagogy, in partnership with the University of Siegen, Germany and Sanna Hyynänen, from the University of Tampere, Finland. Intensive internationalization work also took place with the University of Alberta and Ottawa, in Canada, through the exchange of teachers and students.
Area of Concentration: EDUCATION
The Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Education, at the Master's and Doctorate level, at the Catholic University of Brasília, was designed based on structural assumptions of modern societies, especially Brazilian society. Among these assumptions, the increasing prioritization of research and educational policies with a view to the progressive improvement of the quality required by the different modernization processes under way in the country, whose complexity requires professionals with a programmatic, interdisciplinary and intersectoral vision, is highlighted.
In this way, the Graduate Program in Education defined its centrality, taking into account the various instances of educational management and the various subjects of education, especially those segments historically left out of the country's history; as well as the different educational processes and methodologies, especially communication technologies; and, the education projects and policies, inserted in the context of the current social, economic and political changes taking place at the national and international levels.
The concentration area is therefore energized by the three lines of research: Educational Process and Teacher Training; Education Policy, Management, and Evaluation; Education, Technology, and Communication, which are interpenetrated by dialogue and integrated studies, with the objective of providing future teachers and doctors with the indispensable competence to program, develop, or participate in actions and reflections in the area of education.
Lines of research
Research and training, through the foundations of education, of themes related to different dimensions of the teaching and learning process, of the initial and continuing education of teachers, of pedagogical theories and practices at the different levels and modalities of education.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Geraldo Caliman
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Education, Sociology of Education, with emphasis on Social Pedagogy, Social Education, Social Exclusion, Violence Prevention, Sociology of Deviance and Delinquency, Juvenile Delinquency.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Gilvan Charles Cerqueira de Araújo
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Teacher training, educational research methodology, educational public policies
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Lúcio Gomes Dantas
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Teacher Training and Collaborative Pedagogical Practices in Basic Education, Narratives of Lives, Poverty, and Diversity
Teacher: Profa. Dr. Pricila Kohls dos Santos
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Higher Education, Student Retention, Inclusion, Digital Technologies
Teacher: Professor Renato de Oliveira Brito
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Management, Public Policies, Educational Policies, Strategic Planning, Sustainable Development and Sustainability, Comparative Education, and Internationalization.
Teacher: Profa. Dr. Valdivina Alves Ferreira
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Public Educational Policies, Public Policies for Professional and Technological Education, Teacher Training, Educational Informatics.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Valdoir Pedro Wathier
Accreditation: Master's degree
Research Themes: Basic education policies, with an emphasis on funding, teacher training, strategic planning, collaborative construction, and innovation.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Tiago Zanquêta de Souza
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Popular Education, on the following topics: environmental education, popular extension, evaluation, management and school inclusion, education for ethnic-racial relations, educator training, and education in non-school spaces.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Jenerton Arlan Schütz
Accreditation: Master's degree
Research Themes: Relationship of Education, Pedagogical Theories, Pedagogical Authority and Precedence, Specificity of the School, Republican School, Politics, and Childhood.
Investigation of the formulation, implementation, management and evaluation of policies, programs and projects in the area of education, at their different levels and modalities. Studies of the cultural and communicational contexts of educational policies and management, within the scope of the Federal Government, the States, the Federal District, and the municipalities. Comparative studies between national and international education systems.
Teacher: Professor Dr. Celio da Cunha
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Public education policies; Pedagogical thinking and education policies; Comparative education; Higher education.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Gilvan Charles Cerqueira de Araújo
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Teacher training, educational research methodology, educational public policies
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Lúcio Gomes Dantas
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Teacher Training and Collaborative Pedagogical Practices in Basic Education, Narratives of Lives, Poverty, and Diversity
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Pedro Henrique Cavendish Schimmelpfeng
Accreditation: Master's degree
Research Themes: Environmental Education and Education, Technology and Communication
Teacher: Profa. Dr. Pricila Kohls dos Santos
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Higher Education, Student Retention, Inclusion, Digital Technologies
Teacher: Profa. Dr. Valdivina Alves Ferreira
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate Research Themes: Public Educational Policies, Public Policies for Professional and Technological Education, Teacher Training, Educational Informatics.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Valdoir Pedro Wathier
Accreditation: Master's degree
Research Themes: Basic education policies, with an emphasis on funding, teacher training, strategic planning, collaborative construction, and innovation.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Tiago Zanquêta de Souza
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Popular Education, on the following topics: environmental education, popular extension, evaluation, management and school inclusion, education for ethnic-racial relations, educator training, and education in non-school spaces.
Articulation of the relations between youth, technology and communication within the framework of educational processes in various contexts of society, whether they are school environments or those aimed at human coexistence. Themes related to educational and social inclusion, to youth protagonists and sociabilities, to social innovation and to the multiple learning enabled by educational, communication and media technologies, as well as to diverse cultural expressions, especially those that cultivate cultures of peace.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Eduardo Amadeu Dutra Moresi
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Scientific mapping; technological overview; knowledge management; organizational intelligence.
Teacher: Profa. Dr. Florence Marie Dravet
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Imaginary; Creativity; Immersion; Creative Economy; Complexity Theories; Transdisciplinarity; Femininity; Interculturality; Epistemology.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Geraldo Caliman
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Education, Sociology of Education, with emphasis on Social Pedagogy, Social Education, Social Exclusion, Violence Prevention, Sociology of Deviance and Delinquency, Juvenile Delinquency.
Teacher: Profa. Dr. Pricila Kohls dos Santos
Accreditation: Master and Doctorate
Research Themes: Higher Education, Student Retention, Inclusion, Digital Technologies
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Valdoir Pedro Wathier
Accreditation: Master's degree
Research Themes: Basic education policies, with an emphasis on funding, teacher training, strategic planning, collaborative construction, and innovation.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Jenerton Arlan Schütz
Accreditation: Master's degree
Research Themes: Relationship of Education, Pedagogical Theories, Pedagogical Authority and Precedence, Specificity of the School, Republican School, Politics, and Childhood.
Teacher: Prof. Dr. Pedro Henrique Cavendish Schimmelpfeng
Accreditation: Master's degree
Research Themes: Environmental Education and Education, Technology and Communication
The Graduate Program in Education at UCB seeks to develop in an integrated manner the relationship between areas of concentration, lines of research, groups, projects, and disciplines. Master and doctoral students in the Program normally link to this structure with their individual research projects, which are generally part of a larger project developed by the advisor. In other words, each professor in the Program coordinates and/or participates in one or more Lattes research groups, registered with the CNPq and participates and/or coordinates research projects, in which their advisors participate by developing subprojects, which are transformed into published works such as articles, books, chapters, and complete works from national and international conference proceedings.
Many of our research activities have external funding from national and international organizations. Several of the research activities of the Master in Education are carried out in partnership with renowned universities in Brazil and abroad, in addition to national and international institutions. Our most frequent partnerships include UNESCO, University of Aveiro (Portugal), CNPq, FAP-DF, CAPES and University of Barcelona, among others.
Research Projects of the Graduate Program in Education: Click here
Published Articles
Publications made by professors and students of the Graduate Program in Education — UCB
Collection of Articles from the International Seminar on Educational Policy and Governance for Citizenship, Diversity, Human Rights, and the Environment
Collection cover
- Proceedings of the International Seminar on Educational Policy and Governance for Citizenship, Diversity, Human Rights, and the Environment
- Annals cover
- Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry - University of Alberta
- Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education - University of Alberta
The Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Education at the Catholic University of Brasília — UCB is an institutional associate of ANPED — National Association for Graduate Studies and Research in Education.
Classrooms and Laboratories
The Program provides its students with large and comfortable classrooms equipped with various technological resources, such as computers, multimedia projectors, DVD players, and others. In addition, each teacher in the Program has their own work room, which also has a technological structure suitable for the performance of their functions, such as class preparation, academic production, assistance and guidance.
We also have very well equipped computer laboratories, where students can carry out research and write their academic papers.
Gross monthly fee: 48 x R$ 3,268.72*
Monthly fee with Business Discount: 48 x R$ 2,124.67**
*Values for the year 2025.
**Consult conditions with the sales team.
The Master in Education, in partnership with CAPES, usually offers four scholarships for Master of Education students. These, as they are made available by students who complete the course, are offered to be used by other students.
Post-Doctoral Scholarship (PNPD) — CAPES
The Catholic University of Brasília (UCB), through the Coordination of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Education (PPGE), announces the opening of registrations for the selection process for the award of a Postdoctoral internship grant, funded by the National Postdoctoral Program (PNPD) of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES)
of the Program
Lines of Research
Guidance and monitoring
Teaching Staff
Recognized Quality
Dúvidas Frequentes
Master's degree: It is a stricto sensu graduate course, whose objective is to deepen the education obtained during graduation, granting an academic degree. The course lasts at least one year and, in addition to the preparation of the dissertation or final work, the candidate must study a certain number of subjects related to their area of concentration, as well as undergo partial and general exams.
Doctorate: It is a stricto sensu graduate course that certifies a person's ability to carry out research in a particular area of science. The courses must last at least two years and, in addition to the preparation of the thesis or final work, the candidate must study a certain number of subjects related to their area of concentration, as well as undergo partial and general exams.
As pós-graduações lato sensu compreendem programas de Especialização e incluem os cursos designados como MBA (Master Business Administration). Têm duração mínima de 360 horas. São abertos a candidatos diplomados em cursos superiores e que atendam às exigências das instituições de ensino. As pós-graduações stricto sensu compreendem programas de mestrado e doutorado. São abertos a candidatos diplomados em cursos superiores de graduação. Ao final do curso o aluno obterá grau acadêmico e diploma.
For regular students, fixed installments are charged, with annual adjustment. On the other hand, special students, who study separate subjects, pay monthly fees fixed biannually in their own public notice. UCB has benefit policies that are updated every semester. Check the current discounts on the desired course page.
Various questions can be clarified at the General Coordination of Stricto Sensu, by calling (61) 3356-9617 and 3356-9016 or by e-mail
The list of teachers may vary in each academic cycle. To learn more about the faculty, consult the information on the website or contact the General Coordination of Stricto Sensu, by calling (61) 3356-9617 and 3356-9016 or by e-mail